The last call for the first time buyer
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The last call for the first time buyer


Damon Ho


The tide has been changing. The border crossing between China and Hong Kong will be reopened after the mid of next month. As expected, the first group of China tourists will visit this territory again after three years ago the border crossing being closed. It is no doubt that Hong Kong’s economy will be stimulated by the expenditures of these tourists. The prolong suffering industries including retailer, food & beverage and tourism may be revitalized firstly by this opening policy.

China tourists visit Hong Kong soon. The proprietors may have sweet dreams to the more brightened future. Although these tourists may not be the big spender again as before, their spendings are still precious to the different industries. If we assume that these tourists will buy the properties in Hong Kong at once by paying the added penalty tax to the Government, it does not make sense. But without a doubt, these China travellers may help to improve the business development in Hong Kong.

The public has a high expectation for the border crossing being reopened. In fact, the property market rebound is more certain than one month ago. The shop owners will be the first benefiter as the shop rental has been rising before these tourists will come back Hong Kong two weeks later. It is the last call for the potential tenants to bargain better terms of the leasing contracts.

The records of residential transactions have been increasing in the past two weeks. The users are hurry up to buy in the attractive reduced-price units. The property owners are aware the harsh economic environment may end before the mid of next year. On the other hand, the amount of emigration property listings has been decreasing to the lower level recently, the owners of the other listings may have less pressure to reduce the price to attract the clients. The balance point of the market starts tilting to the seller side. The smart buyers should take a chance to bargain with the owners to generate the best purchasing price for themselves.

The shop rental and the price of the small and medium size residential units seem not far away the bottom. If the tenants and the buyers still eager to chop down the asking price of the proprietors, the successful chance is obviously declining.

The market viewpoint of the property agencies is changing. Turning negativity into positivity, they changed the position suddenly within one month. Once they predicted that the price would go down ten percent more, but they estimate that it will rise ten percent now. Even though, the market sentiment may be better soon, but it is still not realistic to foresee that the property price will rebound sharply in brief period.

The last call for the first time buyer
1. 恒地賣樓套現148億
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2. Property foreclosures soaring
2022-12-31 15:22

The number of home foreclosures in Hong Kong has jumped to a 13-year high with the economy heading south, new data showed yesterday.

The news came as the Hong Kong Association of Banks said that customers can now use the interbank payment system for mortgage refinancing transactions.

Data from Centaline Property showed that the number of properties offered for sale at auction reached 226 as of November 4, marking a 13-year high following 249 in April 2009.

The figure is also 82 percent higher than the 124 recorded a year ago.

3. 22年一手成交創九年新低
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4. 港股IPO今年重回全球三甲
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5. China domestic tourists rising
2023-01-04 11:50

China has seen about 52.7 million domestic tourist visits during the three-day New Year holiday, up 0.44 percent year on year, according to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism on Monday.

The tourism revenue generated over the holiday has reached over 26.5 billion yuan (about 3.8 billion U.S. dollars), up 4 percent from the same period last year, according to the ministry.

China's cultural and tourism market has remained stable and orderly during the holiday, which ends on Monday, it added.

Short-distance tours are especially favored by travelers during the period, with sustained popularity for ice and snow activities, camping, and role-playing games among young people, the ministry noted.

6. Kai Tak market stagnated
2023-01-05 18:05

Transactions in the secondary market in Kai Tak have stagnated as homeowners worry about a free fall in prices of new residential projects after CK Asset (1113) won a residential and commercial site in the development area in December with a bid that turned out to be an eight-year low.

The property giant picked up the plot for HK$8.7 billion, which was 23 percent lower than the bottom end of market expectations.

The bid translates to HK$6,138 per square foot - the lowest since 2014, when Wheelock bought at a per-square-foot price of HK$6,101 the site that Oasis Kai Tak now occupies.

7. London real estate market gearing up
2023-01-06 14:30

london's real estate market is gearing up for a pivotal 2023, following years of turbulence that slowed the torrent of foreign money that once flowed to the capital.

Cross-border investment flows to properties in London amounted to 12.4 billion (HK$116.8 billion) last year, according to data compiled by MSCI.

That's a big drop-off from the 30.5 billion of foreign dealmaking in 2015, which preceded the twin blows of Brexit and the Covid pandemic.

London - which has long attracted huge swathes of foreign investment and drew in the most capital inflows of any global city in the first half of last year - faces uncertainty over property valuations as interest rates rise and in the wake of political chaos triggered by September's mini-budget.

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