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1. 倒行逆施 2012-10-29 10:42:56



是陳阿茅或是張阿丙??? 但絕不會是梁振英。

2. 股民 2012-10-29 11:43:03
3. 路人 2012-10-29 12:38:40
少, 地價越貴是正常事, 但香港市民為什麼不去罵發展商要賺盡利潤而只去罵政府呢!!!
發展商利潤2000 是一定的嗎?????
就算地價1000, 貪心的發展商要賺更多利潤, 樓價也不一定便宜

4. 亮劍 2012-10-29 13:16:25

住宅土儲再縮水 「夠用兩年多」
政府評估391公頃 專家稱僅150


料可建11萬單位 大減六成




推算「已相當寬鬆」 未計爭議地




圖則誤導 倡撤回重繪





如果明報無老作,咁就怪不得 CY 發啷厲,要出 BSD 止咳,呢個政府土地庫得兩年貨仔,肯定 BIG 5 收曬風,否則佢哋點敢喺屯門元朗都開 七八千?



5. 可以點 2012-10-29 14:55:28






6. 向CY說不 2012-10-29 15:58:34



7. 回5 2012-10-29 16:51:54
8. BSD 夠辣 2012-10-29 18:50:27






9. 鬥地主 2012-10-30 00:21:46
10. 明益收租佬 2012-10-30 20:00:15

而香港政府的新措施卻無意中鼓勵了一群勉強有資格置業的族群在歷史最低利息的時候入市。 如果利率回升或香港樓市逆轉,他們將來的苦難恰恰加深了將來樓市下跌的痛苦和香港社會的動盪。

新政策實施后,官員口口聲聲話用家主導市場,但目前已經有專家預測明年會跌10%,大家都採取觀望態度,加上要綁三年, 如果三年內經濟轉壞,或是沙士重來,H1N1,三年後加息等 引起樓價大跌,用家好可能變負資產或者供樓有困難,到時要賣樓訓街還是跳樓自殺。

好想知道這次辣招到底在哪方面幫忙首次置業和用家 ?????


11. 明儀 2012-10-31 11:06:16


12. 地獄之路 2012-10-31 14:56:12
股壇長毛David Webb :

Some-Buyer's Stamp Duty
30th October 2012

First it was the "HK land for HK Permanent Residents" policy on new residential land leases. Now the Government is proposing a discriminatory form of taxation - a "Buyer's Stamp Duty" of 15% on any person who is not a Permanent Resident (PR) and buys a home in HK. That is a status that most new arrivals can only get after 7 years of residency.

This marks a dangerous precedent - for the first time, the amount of tax you pay depends on your immigration status in Hong Kong. You can come here to work, and you must then pay salaries tax, but you can't spend your earnings on a home without paying more tax than the permanent resident sitting next to you. If the proposal is passed, then it lays the path for other possible discriminatory taxes - for example, the Government might propose that non-Permanent Residents pay salaries tax at higher rates, claiming that they are "taking jobs" from PRs, or they might charge higher stamp duty on tenancies with non-PR tenants, because they are putting upward pressure on rents for apartments that PRs might rent.

This is at odds with the often-stated Government goal of social harmony and its calls for Acceptance of New Arrivals in HK. The video opens with "No matter where we came from, or how long we've been here, we are all part of the Hong Kong family". Yeah, right. By telling PRs that they are special, the Government strengthens the "them and us" mentality. And yet, if you are a "foreigner" like Google, and want 2.7 hectares of cheap land for a data centre, creating fewer than 10 permanent jobs per hectare (25 in all), then no problem! At a plot ratio of 5, a site of that area could produce  135,000 sq.m. (1.45m sq ft) of floor area, or about 2,400 homes. Google paid about HK$102.6m for the site, assuming they sealed the deal after premiums went up on 24-Aug-2011. A residential site of that size in Tseung Kwan O would cost about $4k per sq ft of floor area, or around HK$5,800m. Have we got our priorities right? Anyone for a new industrial estate, Cyberport, or Science Park?

Another possible discriminatory tax would be a selective sales tax on all things, not just apartments, to deter mainlanders from crowding into our shops and buying things to take home. We could have a sales tax for which PRs (on production of their ID card) are exempt, but non-permanent residents (who have no vote) and non-ID card holders pay, let's say (picking a number out of thin air), 15%?

Who are they trying to protect?

Ironically, by erecting a prohibitive barrier to home ownership by non-PRs, the new tax will ensure that when the bubble bursts, fewer non-permanent residents, and more PRs, will lose money. It's the Government's way of saying to non-PRs, "beware of our property market" while encouraging locals to believe that the market is "healthy and stable" for them. But surely buying property is a mistake that anyone should be allowed to make for themselves. Meanwhile, if you are a PR who owns property, the only real way out is now to sell to another PR.

The Basic Law

Through BSD, the Government proposes, in effect, to prohibit anyone other than a PR from buying your property. Shouldn't you be free to sell to whomever you like? After all, it is your property, isn't it? Article 105 of the Basic Law says in part:

"The [HKSAR] shall, in accordance with law, protect the right of individuals and legal persons to the acquisition, use, disposal and inheritance of property..." (emphasis added)

That is "property" in the legal sense of the word, including immovable property, i.e. real estate. The "legal persons" phrase is in there to be specific that the Basic Law protects not just individuals (humans), but also companies, partnerships and other organisations, and it doesn't say "HK passport holders", or even "permanent residents", it says "individuals". Yes, it says "in accordance with law" (meaning common law and local legislation), but when you start making unequal laws that financially favour one class of individual over another based on their immigration status, and favouring that class over "legal persons", then you are on very shaky ground.

The Government may argue that this is not a prohibition, merely a financial deterrent - well alright then, at what level of duty does it become at least partially prohibitive? How about 20%, 100%, or 1,000%? The Government may also argue that BSD falls within its power of taxation under Article 108 of the Basic Law. That says:

"The [HKSAR] shall...enact laws on its own concerning types of taxes, tax rates, tax reductions, allowances and exemptions, and other matters of taxation."

But there is a thin line between taxation and penalty. Penalties are for the courts to impose, subject to a fair trial, and a penalty which restricts a Basic Law right would surely be unconstitutional. It would be one thing to deter all purchases, as a matter of (ill-conceived) policy, by charging very high rates of stamp duty (we already do some of that, by charging up to 4.25% on all residential transactions, a measure introduced in the 2010 budget). But to do this only when the buyer is a non-permanent resident or a company, raising the charge to 19.25%, seems a lot more like a penalty than a legitimate form of taxation. Is there really a policy objective that can turn this into a legitimate tax, or just a political desire to be popular with voters, who are all PRs?

Bubble? What bubble?

As usual, the Government speaks of "maintaining a healthy, stable property market" - but to maintain something, it has to be there already. If it is healthy and stable, then why do they think these measures are needed? They cannot bring themselves to admit that we are in a bubble. Instead they say "the risk of a property bubble forming is increasing". In fact, the phrases "healthy and stable" and "risk of a property bubble" in Government press releases goes back at least 32 months to the budget speech of 24-Feb-2010, and prices are up about 40-50% since then.

The main cause of this is record low, and persistently low, interest rates, not demand from foreigners (for which, read, "mainlanders"). As Financial Secretary John Tsang said on Friday, the proportion of residential property transactions by "non-local" buyers was only 6.5% in 2011. The current Chief Executive, C Y Leung, was quoted in a Government press release on 19-Jun-2012 (only 4 months ago):

"He said that although non-Hong Kong residents are still coming to the city to purchase properties, they are not doing so in numbers that affect resident Hong Kong buyers."

If anything, there has been a downtrend in such activity since the mainland economy began to cool. So the Government has failed to demonstrate any policy objective for this taxation. And note that the original plans in Mr Leung's manifesto related to HK land for all residents, not just PRs - but then he remembered that only PRs have a vote.

Waving his hands in the general direction of the sky, Mr Tsang said on Friday:

"this [BSD] is an extraordinary measure introduced under exceptional circumstances. We shall consider withdrawing this measure when the market regains its balance"

"Regains its balance" - what on earth does that mean? When the market has fallen enough? When it stops going up? When it stops going down? How can a market be imbalanced and yet "healthy and stable"? In economic terms, the market is always "balanced" at a price which reflects supply and demand - so he can only mean that he wants to reduce demand and shift the price downwards.

Killing the redevelopment market

If BSD takes effect, or until LegCo rejects the necessary legislation, redevelopment of residential buildings (other than by existing owners of whole buildings) will grind to a halt, because companies who would normally buy up old apartments and consolidate them for redevelopment will now face a prohibitive 15% purchase tax. That is bound to have a negative impact on supply in about 3 years' time, offsetting some of the supply increases that the Government has introduced. Perhaps the Government will seek to introduce a BSD rebate scheme for redevelopers - but that would be controversial in itself. How do you define a redeveloper? How quickly must they redevelop a site to qualify for BSD exemption or rebate?

Even if a rebate scheme existed, a developer embarking on a consolidation project would have to pay the BSD on each purchase and take the risk that it cannot get 100% ownership. Then the developer would have paid all that BSD without being able to recover it. The developer might get to the 80% or 90% threshold at which (depending on the building age) they can trigger an auction of the site under the Land (Compulsory Sale for Redevelopment) Ordinance, but then they would take the risk that a second developer would win the auction and the first one would have no rebate of the BSD. On the other hand, if there is no BSD exemption for bidders in such an auction, then third-party bidders would be hopelessly uncompetitive unless they could get credit for the BSD already paid by the majority owner. It would result in single-bid auctions by the majority owner, disadvantaging the minority owners in the auction.

All of this would leave the Government's Urban Renewal Authority in an even more dominant position in the redevelopment market - not only because of its existing statutory powers of compulsory purchase (which are not subject to any ownership threshold) but because any stamp duty it has to pay to buy out owners of old buildings goes straight back to the URA's owner, the Government, so the URA in essence is exempt from stamp duty. This takes the redevelopment market even further away from free-market principles.

SSD 2.0

We won't spend much time repeating our criticism of Special Stamp Duty (SSD). It is unconstitutional because it penalises owners who sell their properties within a certain time frame, in other words, for exercising their right of disposition of property under Basic Law Article 105, and it doesn't fall within Article 108 because it is not a legitimate form of taxation. It is not a legitimate tax because its stated purpose is to inhibit a form of behaviour without demonstrating that this behaviour harms society (unlike, say, the public cost of treating cigarette-related illnesses and the associated lost productivity), and because even if it could be shown that investing or trading in properties is bad (rather than good) for society, the tax is unfocussed and hits too many people who could not by any stretch be called speculators.

Now, by moving the cut-off from 2 years to 3 years, and doubling the rate from 5% to 10% for resales after 1 year, the SSD is bound to capture even more unintended victims. How many people, other than civil servants who implement such policies, could be sure of having an income in 3 years time, with which to pay their mortgage? Watch as the law catches more people who have only ever owned one home at a time, but now need to sell, for whatever reason - job relocation, divorce, death of an income-producing spouse or just the knowledge (when it happens) that the market is heading down and they are headed for negative equity. There is an SSD exemption for bankruptcy and foreclosure - but that's a Catch-22. Either take the SSD hit, or wait for the bank to foreclose - either way, the homeowner faces financial ruin.

And by the way, even though Mr Tsang says that "resale within 12 months has virtually disappeared", he is increasing the rates on that from 15% to 20% (on resales within 6 months) and from 10% to 15% (within 6-12 months). Like putting a few more bullets in the corpse. What does he expect to achieve from this, other than looking tough? He also cites statistics on resales within 12-24 months, noting that they have increased from 83 cases in Mar-2012 to 218 cases in Sep-2012. That's about 0.02%, or 1 in 5,000 private-sector homes per month. Hardly a menace to society.

SSD 2.0 only applies to transactions after last Friday. We'll bet him a can of Pringles that if he gets legislative approval for SSD 2.0 then he (or his successor) will have to repeal it within the next 3 years.

13. HK市民 2012-10-31 15:53:56


很想筆者提提意見, 究竟要用什麼政策才可避免呢?



14. 陈增涛复 2012-10-31 20:18:28


15. 上善若水 2012-11-01 00:25:36


16. HK市民 2012-11-01 01:32:15





17. 陈增涛复 2012-11-01 05:51:56

15楼上善若水,16HK市民先生:世界上没有一个国家的汇率是百分百自由浮动的。香港的联系汇率三十年不变,已经完全脱离了香港经济现实和整体利益。尤其是香港工业一早式微,不需要人为的压低汇率维持出口。更不要说香港主要日用品和食物多从内地进口,人民币的升值加剧了香港百物沸腾的力度。如果香港脱离联系汇率,对香港被严重扭曲的价格回归平衡有利,可缓和民生难以忍受的通货膨胀。我同意上善如水先生说的,当今金融市场由热资主导。以致实行浮动汇率的亚洲诸国,“汇率往往与资产价格同步,即汇率越高,资产价格就越高”的情况。 但此结论并没有显示香港联系汇率更好。是否,热资需面对资产价格的大幅波动可能性,须有更大的利润空间才会入场,而在联系汇率机制之下,少了一层考虑汇率风险,在港币跟随美元贬值的大前提下,有更多外来热钱到香港觅食并进入楼市?梁政府的买家印花税(BSD)既对炒家用公司名下购买的物业转卖公司无效,炒家依然可以在分化的楼市入市,也继续持有手上的物业进一步减少了楼市的供应。我估计政府的行政手段和炒家之间的博弈非到楼市崩盘难以罢休。 难道联系汇率有减低了资产价格大幅动荡的风险的功能?我说的“长远的政策之中有短期的效应,让楼市投机风险剧增炒家知难而退。”当然说易行难。不过如果投机需要付出更高的成本,自然会减低投机的偏好。中国大陆的超强力行政措施执行至今,双方博弈依然胶着。难道香港打压楼市的行政措施还要加码

18. 亮劍 2012-11-01 10:19:29












我好希望我講錯,但如果幾拾年後每次買樓都係講緊每呎 1 M 2 M,咁呢個世界會變成點?

19. 亮劍 2012-11-01 15:12:16









20. 上善若水 2012-11-01 17:37:30
亮劍兄講得好! 我經常對人講投資不用太貪心,每年增值跑贏通賬3-5%足矣,好多人笑我要求低。其實投資這件事是好天收埋落雨柴,取其平均值,若長期每年都能跑贏通脹3~5%殊不容易,3~5%的淨回報足以讓一個普通中產人士,在不傷本的情況下,安心過其退休生活。對平民百姓而言,夫復何求!
21. 寄生虫 2012-11-01 17:51:55
23. 寄生虫 2012-11-05 12:39:12