Data Trends
Price Indices For Hong Kong Property Market
Rental Indices For Hong Kong Property Market
Trans. Trend - HOS Average Price per Square Feet
Comparison Chart for Primary and Secondary Residential Units
Remark: Primary Residential not include Public Housing and Village House.
ASP Statistics
June, 2024, Number of ASP : 5,435. Total HK$43,024 Million
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Commission Index
June, 2024 Commission Index updated 5,541, 34% DECREASE compared to previous month

CI is an average value of monthly commission income for each of the licensed property agents in Hong Kong. It is a synthetic calculation based on:

  1. The number of "Agreement of Sale & Purchase" ('ASP') registered in the Land Registry in one month; and
  2. The total Consideration of all ASP in the same month; and
  3. The Licensee Population in that month.
[ Detail... ]
June, 2024, Estate agent's licence : 18,035 and Salesperson's licence : 20,883
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Price Trends - Hong Kong Island
[ Estate ]
Price Trends - Kowloon
[ Estate ]
Price Trends - NT East
[ Estate ]
Price Trends - NT West
[ Estate ]
HK Island Industrial Price Trends Per Month
Kowloon Industrial Price Trends Per Month
NT East Industrial Price Trends Per Month
NT West Industrial Price Trends Per Month
The statistics provided in this Web Site are for reference only. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the statistics, shall accept no responsibility for any errors, omissions or misrepresentations in the statistics. In no event shall be held liable for any loss or damage whatsoever arising directly or indirectly from the use of or inability to use the statistics provided in this Web Site.