Property Price: | $6,500,000.00 |
Down Payment: | $1,950,000.00 |
Loan amount: | $4,550,000.00 |
Monthly Payment: | $22,778.37 (3.5% 300-term) |
Total repayment: | $6,833,511.73 |
Total int. paid: | $2,283,511.73 |
S&P Agreement: | $2,500.00 |
Assignment*: | $12,250.00 |
Mortgage Deed*: | $7,375.00 |
Agency Commission: | $65,000.00 |
Mort. Insurance: | $0 one-time payment |
* The exact charges to be determined by the solicitors. |
S&P Reg: | $210.00 |
Reg Fee: | $230.00 - $450.00 |
Reg Fee: | $210.00 |
Reg Fee: | $300.00 |
Land Register: | $30.00 |
Stamp Duty #: | $185,000.00 | # The exact stamp duty to be determined by the government. |
Int. Rate | 5yr-term | 10yr-term | 15yr-term | 20yr-term | 25yr-term | 30yr-term | 35yr-term |
1.000 | $77,776.55 | $39,859.88 | $27,231.50 | $20,925.19 | $17,147.70 | $14,634.60 | $12,844.00 |
1.500 | $78,759.99 | $40,855.13 | $28,243.81 | $21,955.82 | $18,197.10 | $15,702.97 | $13,931.39 |
2.000 | $79,751.31 | $41,866.12 | $29,279.65 | $23,017.69 | $19,285.37 | $16,817.69 | $15,072.46 |
2.500 | $80,750.50 | $42,892.81 | $30,338.91 | $24,110.58 | $20,412.06 | $17,978.00 | $16,266.03 |
3.000 | $81,757.54 | $43,935.14 | $31,421.46 | $25,234.19 | $21,576.61 | $19,182.98 | $17,510.68 |
3.500 | $82,772.44 | $44,993.07 | $32,527.16 | $26,388.17 | $22,778.37 | $20,431.53 | $18,804.72 |
4.000 | $83,795.18 | $46,066.54 | $33,655.80 | $27,572.10 | $24,016.58 | $21,722.40 | $20,146.25 |
4.500 | $84,825.74 | $47,155.48 | $34,807.19 | $28,785.55 | $25,290.38 | $23,054.18 | $21,533.18 |
5.000 | $85,864.11 | $48,259.81 | $35,981.11 | $30,027.99 | $26,598.85 | $24,425.38 | $22,963.29 |
5.500 | $86,910.29 | $49,379.46 | $37,177.30 | $31,298.87 | $27,940.98 | $25,834.40 | $24,434.24 |
6.000 | $87,964.25 | $50,514.33 | $38,395.49 | $32,597.61 | $29,315.71 | $27,279.55 | $25,943.63 |
Disclaimer: The information provided by this calculator is for illustrative purposes only. The default figures shown are hypothetical and may not be applicable to your individual situation. Be sure to consult a financial professional prior to using and relying on the results. The calculated results are intended for illustrative purposes only and accuracy is not guaranteed. |