61. to 57
2014-06-11 17:16

I don't agree, you said 80% HK people will think the price will go down, then why noone sell their house and so many rush to the market?

They like what the people in 97 did, they all think the price is too high, but they still keep the house or even buy the house coz they afraid the price will even go up.

62. 送给6号仔
2014-06-11 17:21

Milou Tintin's photo.
63. 小師妹
2014-06-11 17:24
Here is a nice planform welcoming all people who are interested in discussing property and related issues in a rational manner, please raise your points/practical reasons/scientific findings for discussion here no matter which side you are on.

Please do not ruin this place by blaming anyone here for no reason at all.

64. to 三寶
2014-06-11 17:25


狗是一定會吠的, 若你在街上見到有一條狗吠一個人, 但那一個人竟吠回那條狗, 你會覺得那個人傻還是狗傻.

我便是那條狗在吠人, 而三寶兄竟吠回我. 有趣有趣.

多謝消遣了一個下午, 出外食飯了, 有緣下次放假又沒有外出, 再上黎消遣, 三寶兄到時一定要吠多幾聲呀, 呵呵呵. 

65. 64 楼依家去...
2014-06-11 17:39

66. 天空
2014-06-11 17:40
好幾天沒發表意見了,一上來就見到有D廢青或廢老喺度廢up.....唔通係大C 或加冲揾人上嚟激慶D師兄師姐?其實唔緊要啦,由呢班廢柴講,直情當呢班廢人透明啦!哈哈!
67. 三寶
2014-06-11 17:42

為左係網上嘈贏場交, 你可以去到幾盡!? 今日就俾我見識到有人為此自認係狗~~! 好野~. 後生仔, 你有前途呀! 唔阻你出去食狗糧啦.

68. To 66
2014-06-11 17:43
實錢是檢驗真理的唯一方法, 講完。
69. 天空
2014-06-11 17:45
70. 小陽
2014-06-11 17:49


  • 5.6%
  • 投票人數:89人
    From oriental daily
    71. 小陽
    2014-06-11 17:53


    樓市現有市況下,你會否考慮入市?(調查期由 10/6至16/6)

    會 20.2%
    不會 74.2%
    未決定 5.6%

    72. 樓奴
    2014-06-11 17:59

    睇左好耐, 唔明點解你地咁多人會上當, 覆佢.

    講番正經, 中央愈收愈緊, 有一觸即發之像, 有無需要減磅?

    73. Alan Pepper
    2014-06-11 18:01
    To 30/F

    請告訴我有多少評論員發達? 他們這樣做是為了工資(或宣傳),而我們則是娛樂及興趣。高手低手不是靠你的職業, 而是靠戰績定的。你可以是一個好的水喉佬, 但差的水喉佬多的是。

    74. 小陽
    2014-06-11 18:06

    To 61st floor

    I love your observation . THANK U

    You are correct that why ppl still hold the flats if they think the property price will go down soon .

    reason 1, they are irrational . What they think is different from what they do. They are not so confident enough on themselves.

    reason 2, the transaction cost is higher than the profit they earn from the sale of property .

    reason 3, you are right , 80 % of ppl think property price will go up instead of downward

    But i don;t think we can compare 2014 with 1997 .

    the population, hk economy structure, politics , immigration and emigration , worldwide economy , the interest rate, 60% of owners are fully paid , etc.

    75. Alan Pepper
    2014-06-11 18:22
    72. 樓奴 

    True True, but it was fun though...
    76. Alan Pepper
    2014-06-11 18:27
    有人撩交打, 咪打佢囉, 洗驚佢? :P
    77. 樓奴
    2014-06-11 18:38

    to Alan Pepper

    我是學經濟的, 佢打句廢話, 但你地3,4人每人覆一句, 似乎你地浪費的時間多過佢了.

    從來無諗過移民, 但今日真係想走.

    78. Peter Paker
    2014-06-11 19:08
    79. 法子
    2014-06-11 19:11
    回57樓 小陽,


    80. 法子
    2014-06-11 19:13
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