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1. 凡人 2015-08-11 08:43:27
2. 大寶二寶 2015-08-11 09:06:55
3. 凡人 2015-08-11 09:18:35
4. AH-HO 2015-08-11 09:26:28
5. Alan Pepper 2015-08-11 10:16:55
If there's money to be made, people will do it... seems like a good idea... not a single penny comes out from the government. Dr. had pointed this out long ago. However, how to control if too many 勾地 ? Or does the government have control of the maximum number of 勾地 per year? Seems like a stupid question of course they can have control but just out of curiosity do they have control with existing laws and regulations?
6. 無聊人 2015-08-11 12:27:09
7. Alan Pepper 2015-08-12 10:24:54
Morning Professor, sorry to take up your space:


首破信用卡付款白牌車 警拘5司機搜Uber辦公室







UBER is a service that brings power to the consumer and drivers, and should be governed, managed and consolidated with the current taxis, not simply put to jail. Both consumers and existing taxi drivers now have choice of service and employment, and the level of services will only improve as there is competition. Better drivers, better managed and choice of taxis, better passenger behaviour, better money for the drivers, better for environment! I don't see what's wrong without some thoughtful and delicate management.

The only people this hurts are investors, who should be responsible on their own risks and rewards. This is the creative, effective and 積極 way to deal with what everyone calls "霸權". Not just pointless protesting on the streets.

This is another case of the government putting a simple solution to a complex problem. Not enough milk formula? Put them to jail... Not enough housing? Tax 20%... 

Some possible work arounds for this is to sell bulk licenses to UBER, limiting to certain number of cars per period of time. Taxi license owners can choose to create a fleet of rental cars for existing taxi drivers, this can also be a source of investment for license holders. 

The internet is here and is the future and there's no stopping it, suck it up...
8. 湯文亮 2015-08-12 11:27:54
9. Alan Pepper 2015-08-13 01:48:52
湯博士,小弟已經很高興參與專欄,希望交流一下投資心得(基本上係學嘢)。亦希望盡我少少綿力,講多兩句勵志的說話,希望感染得到一些年青人,為我們下一代持續發展做啲嘢。香港長遠真係需要動力,真的不應該投放太多資源落政治上面。香港是一個沒有任何天然資源的地方,最終都係要靠人力、創意同努力才能有成果。Sustainability 才是最緊要。


Back to UBER. To expand on the possible solution. The government should consider issuing new "flexible" licenses to UBER. At current market price of around 7 mil each. And current taxi license holders can also sell and rent licenses to UBER too. This way license holders does not have to even own a taxi and manage it. Making UBER a taxi managing company. Each license, instead of assigned to 1 taxi, can now be handed over to the "temporary license holder" on a first come first serve basis (only the UBER driver who processes this license can take passengers. As passenger leaves the car he license is free for the next driver) This means if UBER has 1000 licenses then it can only have 1000 cars taking passengers at any one time. But drivers are now free to choose when they do business, not restricted to fixed schedules. This also solves the problem we have when taxis currently take shifts at around 4-5pm and lunch at the same time. Which is ridiculous considering its the rush hours. 

This technology along with 快的 creates efficiencies or eliminate down time, and government and laws must act faster to get with the times. Especially when the china government is pro tech right now. Hong Kong has the opportunity for testing ground for tech and we are losing to singapore and Korea because the government is extremely slow to react! And often times is a deterrent to new technologies because there are conflict of interests with existing parties. 
10. 引刀一快 2015-08-13 08:51:12
Alan Pepper兄

11. Alan Pepper 2015-08-13 11:57:25
此乃大勢所趨,只欠東風。 綱上 Platform 「平台」將會(已經)成為新世代的物業。上主創造了大地,人類創造了 platform。
12. Alan Pepper 2015-08-13 12:00:03
越嚟越似 Matrix 了。最極端可能連地也不是必需品,只要有地方安置你的腦袋就可以了。好恐怖 😅😅

當然這是 sci fi.