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Alan Pepper


雖然最近評論指出,3D 在可見將來都不能放寬,但城中熱話提出放寬逆周期措施,即降低按揭成數要求,令未上車的年青人可以置業。這樣對樓市有什麼影響?我相信很多地產代理會支持放寬,因為有利促進買賣成交,直接影響其生計。但對於收租的長期投資者有什麼影響呢?

2007 年金融海嘯開始,因樓價不斷上升,租金亦上升,回報保持在 3-4%左右。但這回報並不是所有物業睇齊,最明顯的就係豪宅,往往只能保持 2% 甚至 1.5% 的回報。究竟點解有咁大差距呢?簡單說,因為供求不平衡。以往香港的豪宅,一向都有外國的 Expat 支持租金,因為他們普遍是企業高層,需要豐厚薪金及員工待遇,才肯勉強來香港做野。當時豪宅租金由6-7萬至到20多萬不等,當時 expats 一時無兩,上等人也。就係因為呢一班 expats,令到豪宅投資十分吸引。但2007年後,因為金融海嘯,令到大部份海外公司營業困難,減薪裁員,但香港因為有中國背景,令到大批海外人士進軍香港。



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1. 打工仔 Andy 2016-03-30 12:13:36
2. 打工仔 Andy 2016-03-30 12:16:54
租務市場有週期, 现在開始是租務旺季, 租金會企得住!
3. AH-HO 2016-03-30 12:37:29


4. 歷史長河 2016-03-30 15:06:07

There is a simple relationship between property growth rate and net rental return. Assuming R is investor’s expected return from investing in properties, r is rental income (net of costs) and G is property annual growth rate:

  • R = Expected Return

  • r  = Rental Income

  • G = Growth Rate

Then the simple relationship can be like this (note this is only true to some extent and when you look at things from long term perspective):


R = r + G


For example, if investors expect property annual growth rate of 5% and net rental of 3%, their expected return from investing in properties is 8% = 5% + 3%.


R is generally a constant for a certain asset under same interest rate environment.  


In DCF (discounted cash flow) analysis, R is the discount rate to be used where Property’s market value MV = net rental in year1/(1+R) + net return in year2/(1+R)^2 + …….., so the higher the R is, the lower your property’s market value will be, and as mentioned above, R generally equals to government bond rate + risk premiums. By now we should understand why an interest rate hike normally has big impacts on property values. The impacts are two folds:

  1. Net rental income r will drop due to higher mortgage payments;

  2. More significantly, an interest rate increase will generally push up government bond rate, end up with higher discounting rate R, then lower present value of future cash flows. 

Back to Alan’s article (寬逆周期措施,會否達致豪宅前十年的結果?當大批本來租緊樓的人上車,放棄租住的物業,會否令到大批物業空置,迫於無奈降低租金?而租金持續下降後,會否令物業價值更加下降,形成惡性循環), I think buying or renting will not change the overall vacancy ratio (need to rent if not buy), so will not have material impacts on property price. A further dropping in rental return might not be directly translated to price drop as long as R = r + G still holds and if higher G can be expected by investors. What matters most should be still G (and R to a lesser extent).

5. 遲早放寬 2016-03-30 21:57:33
6. 鄧學士 2016-03-31 07:55:32
7. CD ROM 2016-03-31 15:27:57
同意Alan兄, 來港人仕既結構已在近幾年起了變化, 基本上高中低價既市場都有參與, 並不會只偏重在高價市場了~~~

同意AH-HO兄既看法, 市場會自動調節找到新的平衡點,